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My personal credibility is at stake, says CJI DY Chandrachud. Here’s why

Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud expressed displeasure on Tuesday over the practice of different lawyers mentioning the same case for listing in the Supreme Court, saying, “My personal credibility is at stake.”
“This is a new practice. Different counsels mention the same case for listing, and once a judge blinks, you get some date. This is the practice which is emerging,” DY Chandrachud was quoted by Bar and Bench. 
CJI Chandrachud addressed the issue in open court, emphasising that he would not use his discretionary powers as the CJI to accommodate such tactics. He insisted that the court must adhere to standard procedures for listing cases.
“A little bit of discretion, which I have as the CJI, will never be exercised in your favour. You cannot take the court for a ride. My personal credibility is at stake. I have to follow standard rules for all,” Chandrachud was quoted.
CJI Chandrachud made the remarks as a bench he was part of commenced the Supreme Court’s hearings for the day when a counsel mentioned a matter relating to the lapse of a mining lease, according to the Live Law.
According to the report, the CJI noted that the matter had also been mentioned before the bench on Monday and stressed the need to discourage the practice of repeatedly mentioning the same case to get a suitable order.
“Stop this practice of repeated mentioning by different counsels. All of you are just trying to take a chance. Whatever little discretion I have as the CJI will never be exercised in your favour because there is an attempt to take this court for a ride,” the CJI was quoted by Live Law.
He added, “Get three different counsels and see, you know – the judge blinks and get an order – that’s what is happening in this Court, and I will not do it. Because my personal credibility is at stake, that I do not follow consistency in listing.”
